Hiring? How to Deal with Turnover and Getting Ghosted After an Interview
The term “ghosting” was originally coined in the online-dating world, referring to completely cutting off social, digital and in-person contact with someone you are no longer interested in. This phenomenon has started to bleed into the business and work world with newly hired employees ghosting employers and businesses after an interview or even on the first day of the job. Obviously this situation can be confusing and frustrating to deal with, especially in an industry with high turnover rates. Here’s how to deal with that turnover and how to handle getting ghosted after an interview.
Why Do People Ghost?
The main reason a new hire or potential candidate may ghost a company is ultimately because they’re afraid to say no or are uncomfortable with expressing that they are no longer interested in the job. Cutting communication is the easiest way out.
Particularly in the current job market, candidates have some leverage over employers and are likely looking at multiple offers. Because they are in such high demand, they may not feel the need to tell a recruiter or potential employer that they’ve decided to go with another offer.
How to Reduce Ghosting
As an employer, there are a few things you can do to limit the potential for ghosting from a candidate. Creating the right kind of environment during the interview and hiring process helps candidates feel more engaged and important, and ultimately gives them a sense of exclusivity. Following a hiring process that moves along quickly can also entice a future employee to move forward with your offer and show up to work. Some ways to increase engagement include:
- Be transparent. Make it clear to the candidate that you will advocate for them and in return you ask them to communicate with you. Be upfront about the fact that you know there may be a better offer for them out there but that you appreciate the integrity of them willing to tell you no. You can also explain that if they are open about turning the position down, you will keep them in mind for future opportunities.
- Communicate clearly and consistently. Keeping in close contact creates a relationship that can be mutually beneficial. Because they feel more connected to you, they’re less likely to ghost you. Additionally, giving them a timeline for next steps in the hiring process is helpful.
- Illustrate the company culture. Talk about how the staff interacts socially, what the dress code is like, any exciting perks or benefits and if you have mentoring programs for new hires. Understanding the day-to-day feel of your organization will help them know if they would enjoy working at the company. Making them feel like they “fit in” culturally can go a long way.
- Be open to and encourage feedback. Even if they do feel like they may be a good fit, they may still have concerns or questions. It’s important to express you are open to answer any questions as it will make them more likely to bring them up.
- Provide enough details and information about the job. Give the candidate a full picture of the job including salary/pay, benefits, hours and responsibilities then get them to say “yes.”
- Speed up the process. Dragging on the hiring process and stringing along a candidate until you make a decision cuts off engagement and pushes the candidate to move on, making them less likely to respond when you do finally make them an offer.
- Keep them close post-acceptance. Even if the candidate has accepted the job, you could still lose them. It’s important to stay in close contact with them as they are giving their current employer notice. Provide them with the information they need to continue envisioning their future with the company like describing the first day on the job or any paperwork they may need to fill out or bring.
Ultimately there is no long-term benefit to ghosting for either the employer or candidate. You can’t control the human nature of wanting to take the easy way out but you can emphasize to candidates the benefits of accepting your offer and showing up.
Have You Been Ghosted After an Interview?
At PeopleFirst Staffing, we work with many local employers to help them find the best candidates for their open positions and make hiring easier. We also work to reduce turnover by helping candidates fully understand employers’ expectations. Let’s talk about your needs and our pool of job seekers.
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