Finding Your “Why”: Does Work Really Matter?
“Very few people or companies can clearly articulate WHY they do WHAT they do. By WHY I mean your purpose, cause or belief. WHY do you get out of bed every morning? And WHY should anyone care?”
– Simon Sinek
Everyone has a dream, or two or three or 50. You might identify your dream as a goal, a wish, something you hope for or you may not even know what your dream is. Knowing what you are driven by is crucial to a satisfying life and rewarding work. Take just a few minutes, five or 10 perhaps, to reflect on what gets you out of bed every morning. Read on for guidance on finding your “why”.
Finding Your Why
We think watching this TED Talk by Simon Sinek is well worth your time; it’s just under 18 minutes. “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” has been watched over 56 million times on the official TED website alone. Here’s a brief recap if you don’t have time to watch it right now:
A handful of leaders, like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Wright Brothers, found more success than all the others. Simon codified a pattern of thinking shared by all the great, inspiring leaders. The Golden Circle has three rings: the outer ring is “WHAT,” the middle ring is “HOW” and the innermost ring is “WHY.” You have to figure out your purpose: your WHY. What’s your purpose? What do you believe? Why do you get out of bed in the morning? After figuring that out, then figure out “how” you’ll do something and “what” you’ll do.
So how do you identify your “why”? Simon recommends identifying a value by using a verb, then make it your “why” statement. Here are some other examples of values that can guide you to your “why”:
“For values or guiding principles to be truly effective they have to be verbs. It’s not ‘integrity,’ it’s ‘always do the right thing.’ It’s not ‘innovation,’ it’s ‘look at the problem from a different angle.’ Articulating our values as verbs gives us a clear idea; we have a clear idea of how to act in any situation.”
– Simon Sinek
The “Why” for Our Staffing Agency
Here is the breakdown for why, what and how PeopleFirst Staffing does what it does:
WHY: To solve labor challenges for the good of employees, companies, and the community.
WHAT: Connecting people with opportunities and resources to achieve their American dream.
HOW: Matching people to jobs at companies that care about people, and providing employee assistance to help them achieve their goals.
The Dream Manager
“Returning from work feeling inspired, safe, fulfilled and grateful is a natural human right to which we are all entitled and not a modern luxury that only a few lucky ones are able to find.”
– Simon Sinek
It’s normal for all of us to wonder if our jobs or work really matter. After finding your why, we hope the answer is a resounding YES, it does matter! Working can be the “how” to your “why.” For instance, if your “why” is to provide a home for your children, then the “how” to reach that goal is most likely a stable, well-paying job.
Still wondering what your “why” is? The key to staying motivated, especially at work, is the fulfillment of crucial personal dreams. People at every level need to be offered specific kinds of help and encouragement, or their dreams will forever remain just dreams as they grow dissatisfied with their lives and jobs.
In summary, if you identify why you’re working, you’ll be more motivated. Think how good it will feel to achieve your goals, like buying a new car or saving up for a down payment.
Ready to start working? Take the first step toward your “how” and “why”: Apply for Cincinnati & Dayton area jobs online.
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Our fun and action-oriented guide can help you put the steps in order to hire the best staffing agency for you including:
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- Ways to narrow down your choices
- The right questions to ask when interviewing agencies
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- Choosing the best firm for you